Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day

I am back on coffee, and I think I might have overdone it this morning. I'm feeling a wee bit jumpy...

I don't have class today, so instead of a quick package of oatmeal I cooked an egg and had it with a slice of whole-grain toast, half of which I smeared with black currant jelly. I think this weekend has convinced me that I need to attend farmer's markets more often!

Daily weigh-in: 153.0 lbs. (it was 152.9ish)

Later afternoon update:

It was another mellow workout today. We walked up a sizeable hill in our neighborhood, shopped at a local organic grocery store, and walked back down. I realized that, after several hours of studying, I had not had a real lunch! I quite seriously had two cookies. (Embarrassing.)

Dinner was a chicken breast with a lemon herb sauce over brown rice and some instant mashed sweet potatoes I decided to try on a whim.

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