Monday, February 11, 2008

I have a new hero

I want to eat like Kath. So healthy! I am inspired, and I am already trying to figure out how I can run by the Tiniest Trader Joe's Ever (TTJE) tonight to copy her meals.

I am feeling better today. Maybe all those doses of Yo-Plus helped my body even itself out, maybe I've just adjusted to the antibiotics, maybe the illness this weekend had nothing to do with my stomach problems, but HURRAY. I was eating so much to try to keep up my energy, and that was NOT good for me. (Gatorade is chockfull of flavorless calories.) It resulted in a lackluster trip to the grocery store where I bought nothing useful. Sigh.

Every once in a while, I find myself drinking way too much coffee and I do a detox. It is truly one of the most horrible experiences--you would not believe how crabby I get--but I am drinking far too much lately. Because I'm a wimp, I'll likely try to step down my intake by mixing in some decaf soon.

Goals for today:
1. Work out!
2. Eat yogurt.
3. Go to the store for lunch supplies.

Daily weigh-in: sure enough, I'm back up! 155.2 lbs.

Go check out Kath's website. It's amazing, and the photos will make you want to replicate everything she eats. It is also making me want to buy cool bowls so that my food will look as delicious as hers! Sadly, Simple Harvest oatmeal just does NOT look as great as hers.

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