Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like staring through the window of a locked bakery

When I first hurt my knees, I was training for my first 10k. For a long time afterwards, I would actually become upset when I saw other people running. Weird, huh? I think I was afraid that if I couldn't run, I could never really be fit. I was incredibly jealous of everyone else who could run.

I cannot wait to have a job again, and more importantly, decent health insurance! I am going to get some orthotics and maybe even consult with a physical therapist to make sure that I approach running the right way.

What brought on all this? While my roommate is off at kickboxing class, I'm sitting here with my Sudafed--the real kind, thank you ever so much--and my Kleenex looking at different workouts online. (Sidenote: for some reason, I can't click through to the workouts featured on the opening page of . How crappy is that website?) I'm experiencing a little of the angst I had when I first hurt my knees, even though I know that I'm being irrational: I'm going to feel better soon, and I'll be back to working out asap. But it's funny--when I'm not working out, my healthy eating falls apart completely. Sigh.

The good news? I've figured out that I 1) miss working out when I can't (yay!) and 2) need to work on controlling my eating when I'm not working out (meh). Ah, new goals :)

Am sick.

I have been working out consistently for about 5 weeks now.

And, of course, now is when my sinuses decide to lead the charge into Sickville. I have a sore throat and feel like my head is going to explode. My knees also hurt, and this is either from the cold or from running. I really hope it's from the cold. I would rather be sicker than I think I am than start facing problems with knees. (Have I just outed myself as as desperate, denied runner? I think I have.)

And so today will be my second day of not working out. I am also going to skip 2 of my 3 classes. Believe me, I HATE doing this. But I've learned that skipping now usually means better grades later. The sooner I get well, the more effort and concentration I can bring to my reading and classtime.

Until I'm well, it's ColdEeze and hot tea, REPEAT.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The death of a dry-fit shirt

In high school, my gym teacher required that we wear cotton socks and cotton shirts to work out in.

Yeah, that wasn't so great! A girl like me sweats a lot when she works out (I try to push myself pretty hard in almost every workout) and I prefer the wicking capabilities of higher tech fabrics than cotton.

Sadly, it became apparent last night at kickboxing that one of my older shirts, a much beloved running shirt from Adidas, is no longer wicking. How apparent: Sweat Patches! Ugh. Fortunately, I believe in rewarding myself. Fortunately, I am trying to reward myself with everything but food. Therefore, I will be rewarding myself with a new workout tee when I reached 152 lbs, which is the weight I was before my weight jumped six pounds in a month.

This morning's weigh-in: 154.0. (it was 153.4, but that was on the carpeted floor. I was so excited that I had to doublecheck on the bathroom floor, and OF COURSE it was wrong. Oh well.)

I might be switching up my plan for this week. Kickboxing yesterday focused on our butts, and since I was already sore from my lower body workout the day before it was torturous! Also, my normal winter sinus problems *might* be morphing into a winter cold. My new plan for tonight is to drink decaf tea and stay warm. If I feel better this afternoon I will do something light, like a slower-than-usual walk or some yoga.

Happy weight loss to everyone!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last night's exercise

I might have overdone it last night. I have Self's Sculpt sexy Legs fast out from Netflix and I need to get it back in, so I did almost that entire workout. Then, I decided to do some run/walk intervals since I hadn't done any for a while. It was time to try 3 minute intervals of running instead of 2 minutes. I ended up doing 16 minutes of running (out of a total 32 minute workout).

Hopefully I still have some energy left tonight for kickboxing!

Daily morning weigh-in: 154.2 lbs.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ahoy there, Internet!

Well, don't you look pretty? It's been a while, hasn't it? Did you change your hair?

Yeah, so the last six months sucked. I don't know what it was: difficult classes, family problems, lack of motivation or what, but I packed on some pounds. It's really uncomfortable, Internet. I don't like knowing that maintaining a weight loss for 2 years means nothing when you start stress eating.

Anyway, I'm getting back on track. The highest weight I've recorded in the last six months is 158 pounds. I've been working out like a fiend and changing my eating habits back to where they were before, and I seem to be clocking in at around 154.6 currently. Why, oh why, does it take so long for the weight to come off?

This week's plan:
Monday: Self's "sexy legs" dvd (45 min) plus 30 minutes of cardio
Tuesday: Kickboxing class (if not cancelled due to snow/ice)
Wednesday: upper body weights of some kind plus run/walk intervals
Thursday: kickboxing class
Friday: BREAK? or just cardio
Saturday: BREAK or cardio (depends on Friday)
Sunday: circuit plus run/walk intervals

I'm back to using Weight Watchers. The goal is to transition back into not using any of my weekly points, slowly but surely.

The GOAL: Get back to 145 before my Vegas trip, which is March 22. Can it be done? I am going to work out like it's a certainty!