Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like staring through the window of a locked bakery

When I first hurt my knees, I was training for my first 10k. For a long time afterwards, I would actually become upset when I saw other people running. Weird, huh? I think I was afraid that if I couldn't run, I could never really be fit. I was incredibly jealous of everyone else who could run.

I cannot wait to have a job again, and more importantly, decent health insurance! I am going to get some orthotics and maybe even consult with a physical therapist to make sure that I approach running the right way.

What brought on all this? While my roommate is off at kickboxing class, I'm sitting here with my Sudafed--the real kind, thank you ever so much--and my Kleenex looking at different workouts online. (Sidenote: for some reason, I can't click through to the workouts featured on the opening page of . How crappy is that website?) I'm experiencing a little of the angst I had when I first hurt my knees, even though I know that I'm being irrational: I'm going to feel better soon, and I'll be back to working out asap. But it's funny--when I'm not working out, my healthy eating falls apart completely. Sigh.

The good news? I've figured out that I 1) miss working out when I can't (yay!) and 2) need to work on controlling my eating when I'm not working out (meh). Ah, new goals :)

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